2019-7-24 08:08:09

I’m based in Lille, working for a big Cloud hosting company based in the North of France, writing Racket on my personal time and trying to promote free software and technology autonomy around local associations. Racket is perfect when it comes to creativity and learning by discovery, so I’d really like to promote it further as the tool of the trade for personal hacking, freedom, communication… For instance, the work of Christopher Webber is pushing Racket into the world of the decentralized web (ActivityPub, the Fediverse…etc) in order to create a decentralized platform for secure communication and social networking (see I’m really interested in that field.
2019-7-24 08:10:36

I’m also writing articles about Racket on my blog, which you can find here (it’s not complete but it’s something):

2019-7-24 08:12:10

’ll be in london Friday 23rd/Saturday 24th of August though I am not sure how much time I’ll have. I might be hanging around at the british library.

2019-7-24 08:15:11

is based in St Andrews, Scotland.

I work for the company ArangoDB where I currently do very little about Racket; trying to write a driver for it though.

In my free time I continue my abandoned academic career and am writing racket to do fun stuff in computational group theory, such as a reimplementation of in racket, which I keep saying is 9x% done and the remaining 10-x% will take the next decade or so, and an independent take on permutation groups code.