2020-12-16 14:29:03

I use vim-sexp (custom fork), the sexp for humans thing from tpope, a custom form of vim-racket, and my simpl plugin (which recently got racket support).

2020-12-16 17:31:04

I use vim-racket and kitty, and run raco make -v (or raco setup -Dmv --pkgs my-project && raco test -p my-project if I have it in a package) a lot.

2020-12-16 22:26:11

For vim, I have heard some people use lexima.vim instead of the guns/vim-sexp

2020-12-16 22:26:27

I mostly use Emacs now though, so not sure what the benefits are for one plugin over another

2020-12-16 22:27:13

BTW, for vim-sexp, I couldn’t get the Alt key mappings working

2020-12-16 22:27:28

@ben.knoble Do you have a good solution for making the Alt (Meta) key work in Vim?

2020-12-16 22:28:15

I have seen you around the vi stack exchange (you’re a moderator?) a lot so I have the preconceived notion you know everything about Vim lol.

2020-12-16 22:35:48

I don’t use mappings with alt keys :) theoretically it works in gvim or in terminal vim with some xterm modifyOtherKeys thing, but again, I don’t use them. For sexp, there’s tpope’s sexp mappings for humans which are far more “vim”

2020-12-16 22:37:22

And yeah, I moderate on\| (I wish the\| shortlink worked everywhere), but I have a long way to go to learn everything! Mostly I like the :help and I try to avoid plugins that do too much or don’t fit in well with what I feel like vim is, very personal, lol

2020-12-16 22:38:30

I see, yeah. The\| shortlink takes me to some non-English site unforunately

2020-12-16 22:38:55

It is a bit of a waste that the Meta key doesn’t work in the terminal properly though

2020-12-16 22:39:18

Yeah, on stackexchange sites stuff like [<\|>] gets a magic link in comments.

2020-12-16 22:39:35

It can be made to ^^ but again I don’t tend to use it

2020-12-16 22:39:54

With Caps Lock as a Ctrl key and Space as my leader, I use those more often

2020-12-16 22:40:35

Yep, I have the same mappings (except I still have Caps Lock mapped to Escape instead of Ctrl)

2020-12-16 22:40:54

Have you tried out Emacs? Emacs has an incredibly good vi emulation layer called evil

2020-12-16 22:41:12

It is light years ahead of similar vim emulation layers on VSCode, for example

2020-12-16 22:41:34

I don’t use Emacs without evil

2020-12-16 22:43:59

Ive heard about it so many times. Ive also heard you have to spend a fair amount of time making plugins work with it? And I’m not quite ready to port my very large vim config to emacs

2020-12-16 22:45:57

Well, I think I would just start with the basics first. Obviously it will take some time to get comfortable and have a suitable setup. It is certainly worth a try I would say. Things like vim-sexp exist because of Emac’s paredit mode

2020-12-16 22:46:18

paredit mode is so powerful when dealing with lisps, it’s difficult to describe

2020-12-16 22:46:43

Anyway, yeah, I don’t believe in the whole editor war thing, but if you want to work with Lisps, I would definitely give Emacs a try

2020-12-17 02:23:25

Btw, the Alt key works in Neovim.

2020-12-17 02:29:19

@ben.knoble do you use #lang? how do you load it in your repl?

2020-12-17 02:31:44

@samdphillips that does not fully leverage a repl driven development does it?

2020-12-17 02:51:19

Simpl supports the racket filetype; you would need to write support for other filetypes (vim-racket purports to support setting filetype based on #langs, but so far my fork does a bit better). It’s not hard to add extra support, though. Tbh my fork is a work in progress, and I’m not writing enough racket to make all the changes I need to make rn (ie they arent a priority).

2020-12-17 02:51:59

I presume one could use racket -l ... -i or whatever the right command is for other langs

2020-12-17 03:11:57

REPL driven development is kinda overrated tbh

2020-12-17 03:30:54

(for me at least)

2020-12-17 04:11:05

REPLs are only really useful when you want to try out a small example

2020-12-17 04:11:08

But yeah

2020-12-17 06:59:58

I do think some users have a workflow that allows copy-and-paste of code between REPL and editor and that works as a kind of REPL driven development, but that has never really worked for me.