2017-10-28 20:07:01

@notjack roadmap says a transport takes one URL authority for “the agent capable of writing and reading bytes,” and another for “where the output port sends bytes to and where the input port reads bytes from.” The second URL authority makes sense - it addresses the other end of the connection. What is the first one for?

2017-10-28 21:30:50

@dedbox It’s basically a “self address”. It’s needed because otherwise there’s no programmatic way to determine what address you’re reachable at after things like DNS resolution and OS port assignment happen. Plus it makes for nice symmetry.

2017-10-28 21:33:05

Practically, it makes tcp-addresses and functions like that unnecessary

2017-10-28 21:37:06

The theory behind it is that fundamentally, participation in a network is never one way, so transports reflect that you’ll always have your own address.