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Open-source Transparency

D. Ben Knoble on 19 Jul 2019 in Blog

My first contribution to tmux was accepted! Only, the history is not transparent.

The contribution itself is relatively trivial; I just added some keys to tmux’s choose-tree mode (invoked by commands like choose-session, bound to Prefix-s by default). They keys are specifically intended to align with vi-style bindings.

The loss of proper history is where I take issue. In the PR, I was following up with patches from a related issue. The usual next steps are

  1. verify the PR does what it should (code review, integration tests)
  2. merge the PR

Step (1) was completed by acceptance from Travis CI and a comment from nicm.

Step (2) automatically closes the linked issue and integrates the code. The best part is that GitHub provides links to trace back from the merge commit to the PR to the issue, and a graphical history log (such as the Insights > Network tab on GitHub) shows the merge from the fork. Tools like git-log and git-blame make tracking these changes really easy. Finally, authorial information is correctly capture (I authored the commits and their messages).

Instead, the same nicm did some form of a cherry-pick to another, separate fork, squashed the commits, edited the message to put my name on them, and merged that in via an unrelated process.


Yes: git-blame now has a harder time pointing you back to my original PR or issue.

Yes: authorial information is obliterated. nicm authored those commits. My name is only incidentally attached (and, incidentally, I don’t care about the credit: I care about the history).

Yes: the history if FUBAR. It is effectively impossible to reconcile nicm’s commit with the original issue/PR sequence that led to it. Someone could do it, but one feature of git (and GitHub) is to tie these things together in (publicly) immutable history. No effort is needed to trace the history if merging is done. Now it takes serious digging to connect these dots.

This is a broken software development process. I :heart: tmux and am writing in vim in tmux right now, but this has me flabbergasted. Such a well-running piece of software has creators that appear not to understand the value of git history. This is a regular pattern. The only contributors to the code are effectively nicm and ThomasAdam. No one else appears to have “contributed” since 2008 (or maybe the graphs are too tiny).

This is bad community.

So, to sum up: open-source projects should

They should NOT


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