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Re: How Did Perl Lose Ground to Bash?

D. Ben Knoble on 27 Sep 2019 in Blog

Spoiler: Because I don’t need or use Perl everyday

Original post

This was the original post as accessed on the 26th of September, 2019. All quotes are from that day, approximately 22:30 EDT.

Setting aside Perl vs. Python for the moment, how did Perl lose ground to Bash? It used to be that Bash scripts often got replaced by Perl scripts because Perl was more powerful. Even with very modern versions of Bash, Perl is much more powerful.

The Linux Standards Base (LSB) has helped ensure that certain tools are in predictable locations. Bash has gotten a bit more powerful since the release of 4.x, sure. Arrays, handicapped to 2-D arrays, have improved somewhat. There is a native regex engine in Bash 3.x, which admit is a big deal. There is also support for hash maps.

This is all good stuff for Bash. But, none of this is sufficient to explain why Perl isn’t the thing you learn after Bash, or, after Bash and Python; take your pick. Thoughts?


A first glance

It may be true that the core language of Perl is more powerful (with or without CPAN)—there are more language features, more powerful constructs, etc. Bash, on the other hand, is relatively simple at its core. But to restrict Bash to while loops and a pipeline includes its biggest weakness and its biggest strength, while ignoring practically every other good thing about it.

I’ll come back to the weakness, but I want to clarify: pipelines are Bash’s strength. They are function composition. They are what enable me to rapidly filter and process data in whichever way I like—wait, no, that’s not right. Pipelines enable me to combine tools! That’s function composition. But what would a | be without a tool on either side?

To ignore that Bash is a shell fundamentally built to compose other tools (grep(1), sed(1), and awk(1) among the most popular, but cut(1) and paste(1) and even jq(?) too)—in other words, to ignore that Bash is very nearly a meta-language, is to ignore its true power.

Some nits

Arrays, handicapped to 2-D arrays, have improved somewhat

What is the author talking about? I’ve never seen a 2D array in Bash. The array types are “one-dimensional indexed and associative” (bash(1)).

[…] hash maps

They’re called associative arrays—I’m concerned the author doesn’t understand Bash! To be fair, I barely understand the deepest parts of Perl. But I understand hashes in Perl, and would expect someone asking this question to understand associative arrays in Bash. Core language features…

[…] native regex engine in Bash 3.x, which admit [sic] is a big deal

Actually, it is not that big a deal. The first three tools I mentioned all deal in regex. So do many more. Bash’s native engine is good for its capture groups: but then, I should ask you—if you find yourself needing capture groups, what are the chances you’re going to process the captured data later? And what are the odds there is a better, perhaps more efficient, solution—one which uses a pipeline?

(Remember my post about pipelines?)

Sample of responses

I’m going to take a moment to address some of the responses in the same vein as I did with the OP, because I think some of them missed at least part of the mark.

Because Perl has suffered immensely in the popularity arena and is now viewed as undesirable. It’s not that Bash is seen as an adequate replacement for Perl, that’s where Python has landed.


I don’t think this fully explains why I don’t use Perl. I’ve never needed to.

Let me give you a simple problem: write a function that, given some data (however you want input: stdin, arguments, whatever), computes the frequency of each piece. That is, compute (return, output, etc.) a mapping between the elements of the data and the count of how many times that element occurred.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

In bash, it’s one line: frequency() { sort | uniq -c ; }. Hell, just for fun, I sorted the results again: frequency_sorted() { sort | uniq -c | sort -g ; }.

It’s simple. It’s understandable. It’s built on composition.

I’m sure there’s at least one language where it amounts to data.counts(), but can I pipe in anything I want from the shell to it?

Further examples:

# most recent commands
recent() {
  history | cut -c8- | cut -d" " -f1 | frequency_sorted | sort -rn | head

# mode
mode() { frequency_sorted | head -n 1 ; }

It would have taken me longer to write frequency in Perl than all three of these together, and then I’d still have to figure out how to get my data into it.

So I use Bash because it does exactly what I need—I don’t need to reach for fancy objects to do this kind of manipulation.

Please post your Perl (or other) attempts in the comments.

I’d add to this, it’s because no real competitor has emerged for Bash.


Doubtful: what about Zsh, Fish, and the host of others? Again, I don’t think this is the real reason Bash is popular.

At least one point remains: Bash was default on macOS until recently. It is (was?) default on other Linux distros as well.

How did Perl5 lose ground to anything else? Thusly

  • “thou must use Moose for everything” -> “Perl is too slow” -> rewrite in Python because the architect loves Python -> Python is even slower -> architect shunned by the team and everything new written in Go, nobody dares to complain about speed now because the budget people don’t trust them -> Perl is slow
  • “globals are bad, singletons are good” -> spaghetti -> Perl is unreadable
  • “lets use every single item from the gang of four book” -> insanity -> Perl is bad
  • “we must be more OOP” -> everything is a faux object with everything else as attributes -> maintenance team quits and they all take PHP jobs, at least the PHP people know their place in the order of things and do less hype-driven-development -> Perl is not OOP enough
  • “CGI is bad” -> app needs 6.54GB of RAM for one worker -> customer refuses to pay for more RAM, fires the team, picks a PHP team to do the next version -> PHP team laughs all the way to the bank, chanting “CGI is king”


Aha, so emilper wants to talk about larger systems? Systems where we need objects and classes and design patterns? I’m not saying you can’t do this in Perl. But why not do it in a language where this stuff is baked in? OOP in Perl is kludgy—it would be in Bash too, if someone did it. And we’d all say “Wow, that’s cool, but I can’t use it because no one would understand what the hell I was doing or why.” We’d go back to Java, C#, Smalltalk, Ruby, Python, or a Lisp or ML or Haskell. And we’d be happier. Because those languages are fundamentally designed to do larger systems, better.

I’m not writing OOP, CGI, or large systems in Bash. I’d challenge anyone who is to rethink their design.

My longest (in lines) scripts in my Dotfiles are:

# wc -l $(ack -f --shell) | sort -rg | head
    2009 total                            # total lines
     196 links/bash/PS1.bash              # builds my prompt
     193 links/bashrc                     # part of my startup config
     123 links/bin/git-overwritten        # oh, an actual script that does some text processing
     102 links/bin/java-update-mfile      # and another!

The real scripts are on the order of 100 lines.

The smallest?

# wc -l $(ack -f --shell) | sort -g | head
       2 links/bash/linux/clipboard.bash
       4 links/bash/jobs.bash
       5 links/git_template/hooks/post-checkout
       5 links/git_template/hooks/post-commit
       5 links/git_template/hooks/post-merge
       6 links/bash/overrides.bash
       7 links/bash/sysadmin.bash
       7 links/git_template/hooks/post-rewrite
       8 links/bash/mac/sysadmin.bash
      10 links/bin/brew-superclean

Just, wow. Now, let’s take a look at the frequency of lines. The format is (count lines):

# wc -l $(ack -f --shell) | G -v 'total' | fields 1 | frequency
   1 10
   1 102
   1 12
   1 123
   1 13
   1 15
   1 17
   1 193
   1 196
   1 2
   1 20
   1 24
   1 26
   1 27
   1 29
   1 32
   1 4
   1 43
   1 45
   1 49
   1 50
   1 59
   1 6
   1 62
   1 8
   1 82
   1 85
   1 86
   1 98
   2 14
   2 16
   2 28
   2 68
   2 7
   3 11
   3 18
   3 41
   3 5

(G is a grep(1) function, and fields I wrote about previously.)

Anyone want to build a histogram for me? Say, bucketed by 10?

Edit 28th September: I got close with awk(1) (A), and formatted by (lines, count):

# wc -l $(ack -f --shell) | G -v 'total' | fields 1 |
#   A '{ printf "%d\n", sprintf("%1.0e", $0) }' |
#   frequency | fields 2 1 | sort -g |
#   A '{ printf "%d\t", $1
#        for (i=0;i<int($2);i++) printf "*"
#        printf "\n" }'
2       *
4       *
5       ***
6       *
7       **
8       *
10      ********
20      *********
30      ******
40      *****
50      **
60      **
70      **
80      **
90      *
100     ***
200     **

(With judicious function definitions, I got this down to wc -l $(ack -f --shell) | G -v 'total' | fields 1 | nearest_ten | frequency | histogram_f .)

To be clear, my argument is that emilper presents good reasons against Perl in large systems. But not against Perl v. Bash.

It baffles me the most because the common objection to Perl is legibility. Even if you assume that the objection is made from ignorance - i.e. not even having looked at some Perl to gauge its legibility - the nonsense you see in a complex bash script is orders of magnitude worse!

Not to mention its total lack of common language features like first-class data and… Like, a compiler…

I no longer write bash scripts because it takes about 5 lines to become unmaintainable.


Bad programmers do not a bad language make. We make fun of PHP’s design decisions, and say it’s a bad language. Bash has its warts, like all languages, but fundamentally it is well designed, and small. It’s a shell: if it is terse, it is for efficiency. The knowledgeable Bash programmer has a handful of trusty concepts that he wields like knives, cutting programs this way and that until they do what is required.

Bash can be readable. Isolate functions. Compose pipelines. Eliminate duplicate code where reasonable. Use good names. set -euo pipefail so you don’t shoot yourself in the foot.

The language has idioms, like any other. Learn them. Bash is maintainable: just look at my line counts above!

First-class data? Bash is too meta for that: it permits while read loops, but most of the time another tool does that for you. Compose tools to act on data!

A compiler!? Forget not that Bash has it’s origins as a shell—it is by nature interactive and must be interpreted. You don’t care that Perl is interpreted… it’s all just compiling on-the-fly.

Don’t bash Bash because you have seen poor code.

There’s a long history of bad code written by mediocre developers who became the only one who could maintain the codebase until they no longer worked for the organization. The next poor sap to go in found a mess of a codebase and did their best to not break it further. After a few iterations, the whole thing is ready for /dev/null and Perl gets the blame […]


See above: Bash suffers from the same appearance. Bash is not scary.

If you are a Bash programmer, for the love of God, don’t make it scary. Do the sane thing and write legible scripts. I don’t care what you do interactively; that can be gibberish. Scripts must be maintained.

And then there’s this person, who gets it:

To be fair, wrapping a Perl script around something that’s (if I read your comment right) just running SCP is adding a pointless extra layer of complexity anyway.

It’s a matter of using the best tool for each particular job, not just sticking with one. My own ~/bin directory has a big mix of Perl and pure shell, depending on the complexity of the job to be done.


This is why I don’t reach for Perl. I don’t need Perl to scp. I need scp(1), damnit.

I have written one real Perl thing (Plink). It was just complex enough to be interesting. But if I’m doing that frequency thing above? Bash, baby.


Bash is all about composing tools. It can be bent into other things, but ultimately it prefers to have a meta-language feel, composing other languages to do what they do best.

Bash programmers are polyglots. We reach for a Perl or Python or Ruby one-liner when necessary, but often accomplish the same in awk(1) or grep(1) or sed(1). I’ve even used ed(1) in a script before. Each of these tools has a language that I learn and use. Others have flags and options—a unique language.

The language of Bash is the language of its tools, with a few syntactic niceties on top to make functions out of functions (|) and do simple control flow.

There’s a reason almost every language provides a convenient way to “shell out”—it’s too powerful not to.


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