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Extracting Ourselves from GitHub = Git

D. Ben Knoble on 30 Apr 2024 in Blog

It’s time to remind ourselves that GitHub and Git are not synonyms.

A word of caution: this may all seem like pedantry to you, dear developer, who wants to write some code, get paid, and move on. That’s fine. Software development is for many just a job. What makes this pedantry worthwhile is the essence of dictionaries: speaking a common language enables more effective communication. Communication is critical to productivity.

I thus invite you to think of this article as an introductory language crash course. “Git & GitHub 101,” if you will.

A Brief History Lesson

Git was first released in April 2005 with commit e83c516331 (Initial revision of “git”, the information manager from hell, 2005-04-07). Version 1.0 followed by the end of that same year.

I won’t recount the history of Git’s invention here. There are plenty of other places for that:

I will briefly mention that predecessors such as SCSS go back all the way to the 1960s and 70s, and the design of SCSS, RCS, CVS, and Apache Subversion played a role in shaping Git and its peers1. See also a brief history of version control.

Finally, GitHub didn’t emerge until 2008. It, too was shaped by its peers, notably such forges as SourceForge.

The differences between a forge and a version control system are the primary concern of this article, using Git and GitHub as the exemplaries. That we categorize Git and GitHub differently should make it clear they are distinct entities.

Common Mistakes

This section covers some of the most common mistakes I see working with developers every day, roughly in order of commonality and importance.

Forks and Branches

I see many, many developers confuse these two terms, and I’m going to attempt the impossible: to disambiguate them. I suspect that most of the confusion is due to age: many of my peers didn’t experience the history that gives these terms such specific meanings, and most don’t read the documentation or historic notes that explain them. So, for your benefit, dear reader, I’ve done what research I need to extricate these terms and point you towards more details. Here are the fruits of that labor (roughly in order of importance?).

Most importantly: Forks and branches are entirely orthogonal concepts. A branch is a kind of reference, also called a ref in Git’s documentation. Git’s documentation actually considers a branch an entire history of commits; in practice, we typically mean the reference my-feature when we talk about the branch my-feature, not the list of commits produced by git rev-list my-feature.

A fork… well, here’s where it gets tricky. I’m going to walk you through a useful set of working definitions, then tease apart some history and nuance.

Different Kinds of Forks

Update 2025 February 2nd: What I call “forks, Forks, and divergent forks” below, Drew DeVault calls “trees, Forks, and forks”2. This is much closer to the historically used terminology, and I’ve started using “tree” and “fork” interchangeably. DeVault also wonderfully explains how all these forks—trees—are part of what make Git distributed and why GitHub co-opted the meaning. I highly recommend his article.

I’m going to distinguish 3 kinds of forks: forks, Forks, and divergent forks.

To recap: every copy of a repository is a fork. GitHub provides a way to create special forks for contribution via their platform that I call Forks. Some projects diverge meaningfully from a shared history, and these are also called forks.

The distinction between a fork and a divergent fork is that one is technical and the other is social. We’ll cover the social area later.

History of the Term “fork”

The word “fork” goes back to at least 1980. Over time, it has been used for a variety of purposes, including things that are closer to what Git calls a branch or repository. In the Jargon File, it is explicitly about divergent forks (with a serious negative connotation): historically, divergent forks were seen as fragmenting the ecosystem, which was A Bad Thing™. In modern open source development, the proliferation and competition of related ideas and works via distributed development is widely considered a good thing, and divergent forks are generally not frowned upon unless they are antagonistic.

It is telling that the only mentions of the word “fork” in Git’s documentation are in documents describing GitHub interactions: there is nothing technically inherent about the concept of forks (or Forks) in Git’s design. This is part of what makes Git distributed: all that matters is copies of the commit history and how to refer to them.

Contributing to a Project: forks and branches

There are two kinds of contributions: those for yourself and those for others.

A contribution for yourself (where license permits) only requires a copy of the source code (and typically its history). That is, you need a fork. Then you edit the code. Committing is not even strictly necessary.

To share that contribution with others, you need to either

In the end, you are taking your work and sending it to others with a request that they pull from your line of work. A Fork is a convenient place to make branches available to others, and that is what makes GitHub Forks a useful feature for contributing to projects. But you still want a line of commit history somewhere; this typically resides in a branch.

The Social Aspect

Git treats all forks the same: they are equally unprivileged. Only social processes privilege some forks as canonical over others.

For example, it is widely agreed that Torvalds’s Linux kernel repository is canonical. There is nothing in Git that enforces this, only social convention! Similar arguments apply to the GitHub mirrors git/git and gitster/git, along with the divergent fork microsoft/git.

Following this to its conclusion, when OpenTofu.org says

Open Tofu is a fork of Terraform

what they roughly mean is

We have a Git repository that contains some shared history with the canonical Terraform repository. We have technical differences A,B,C and social differences X,Y,Z; these make us interesting because of MN and you should consider using our project.

They might or might not mean they want to supplant an existing canonical repository as dominant via social process; that is, they may intend to become the defacto hub for Terraform-like software, but the primary message conveyed is one of commit history and technical features.

Most Forks and forks have a similar message: “I have something interesting you should look at. It’s better than other repositories with shared history because A, so you should use it, too.” A request to other maintainers of other repositories (forks) to pull in those changes (GitHub: a PR) is a way of saying “You should pull changes from my fork because they will improve yours.” That is, collaboration is all social. The technical bits of Git support this kind of collaboration because they were designed to for Linux kernel development, but they serve other kinds of social contribution models, too.

Sometimes forks maintain parallel development with each having different features. Vim and neovim can be viewed this way. Another example is microsoft/git, which contributed the scalar tool back to git/git but still has other microsoft-specific changes. It continues to integrate upstream git/git changes to maintain feature parity. Packaging software, such as for a Linux distribution, is similar because of patching: patches might add platform-specific changes but try to maintain feature parity with the original code base.

This is all part of what makes Git distributed.


In a nutshell, there’s a lot of Git and GitHub that work together, but they are fundamentally separate objects. Git is primarily a technical tool for distributed version control; GitHub facilitates some of the social parts of collaborating on software, but is not the only way to do so. Keeping these concerns separate allows us to better untangle the nature of forks and branches. It might seem pedantic, yet sharing common language and understanding helps us develop better software, together.


  1. Didn’t you know? There’s a whole family of distributed version control systems. There’s even work on new systems being done today. 

  2. Well, he doesn’t capitalize “Fork” when referring to GitHub, but I will to make it visually distinct. 

  3. Any kind of remote can be a fork, really, including other clones over different storage systems, local or otherwise. 

  4. It’s not strictly necessary for the histories to be related at the commit-graph level: git merge accepts --allow-unrelated-histories for a reason. Read related in a social, “this is relevant to me” sense. 


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