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Server-sent events with Racket

D. Ben Knoble on 23 Nov 2024 in Blog

A small amount of server-side Racket and client-side JavaScript give me a passable version of a reactive front-end.


In my talk for 14th RacketCon I mentioned that the Frosthaven Manager can spawn a web-server for my friends and players to interact with the app on their mobile devices. I run the entire program on my machine, so all the state is stored in-process in one place. Edits in the desktop GUI are propagated to my players web pages live, and their actions translate back to the GUI in turn.

There’s no JavaScript framework on either the back-end or front-end. So how does it all work?

There are 3 pieces to the puzzle:

  1. The web-server does all the HTML generation: it embeds fetch calls in onclick handlers that send POST requests back to the server, which the server translates into actions the rest of the program knows how to handle (but which, as mentioned in the talk, are shunted back to the GUI execution loop rather than executed in the concurrent web-server handler threads). So while my players mostly see the rendered HTML content returned by the servers primary route, it actually supports a limited kind of URLSearchParams-backed API. If you know what routes to hit, you could write your own client to trigger game events. I’ve done so with hurl when playing with new features just to try it.
  2. Because I’m using GUI Easy, all my game state is observable. This gives me a simple hook to subscribe to all the changes in my game’s state, though it risks being too fine-grained and I’ve been considering other options for generating notifications of game-level events. Whatever mechanism there is, the web-server knows when state has changed and it ought to propagate those changes to clients.
  3. The client and server agree to a server-sent event protocol: this does require JavaScript enabled on the client (as do the click handlers above). The protocol allows the server to retain a communication channel to the client, which the client can use to update its view.

This post focuses on the server-sent event implementation, or primarily the latter 2 pieces.

Note: Rather than embed the full code in those post, I’m going to link to the implementation as it was at time of writing. Follow the links to get the full details.

Server-sent events

With server-sent events, it’s possible for a server to send new data to a web page at any time, by pushing messages to the web page. (MDN)

SSEs are one-way connections from server to client. Clients point a standard JavaScript API EventSource at a URL that will produce a SSE-compatible response and then attach event listeners. These listeners can operate over generic events or named events. Messages can have arbitrary data fields which the client must parse to decide how to use.

The server implements SSEs by responding with the correct MIME type and raw response format.

My SSE protocol for the Frosthaven Manager

Before we look at implementation details, let’s get a grasp on the fundamentals of the protocol my web-server uses atop SSEs.

The last point is important: it avoids performing duplicate calculations in the client (when a player’s HP changes, we send the new number, not an event requesting that the HP be incremented or decremented), which makes keeping the state in sync more reliable.

The simplest events in my protocol are number and text: they send an id and a number or string that should replace the named node’s innerHTML. They actually have nearly identical client implementations and server implementations.

Other events are more complicated and outside the scope of this article. As an example, the player event is triggered when a player object changes: ignoring the summon data, it receives an HTML id, a mapping of sub-components to HTML strings, and a complete HTML node. The complete node is used if the player doesn’t already exist, allowing it to be inserted wholesale into the display. Otherwise, we update the sub-nodes based on the mapping of HTML strings. The monster-group event is similar.

Implementation Details

As we said earlier, the client opens a new event source and attaches event handlers. We include the script on the main page. Sending events is the server’s responsibility.

const evtSource = new EventSource("events");
evtSource.addEventListener("name", handler);

The server subscribes to the GUI observables1: when they change, the subscribers place structured data in a multicast channel (example). We need a multicast channel because we create one per server (usually just one), but each client request handler needs to be able to be able to read from it (usually one per event source connection).

(define ch (make-multicast-channel))
(obs-observe! @state
              (λ (state)
                (multicast-channel-put ch (state-event state))))

Then, the server establishes a route which implements the SSEs. This is the same path that forms part of the URL that the client will connect to. The route’s implementation responds with appropriate headers. It also gets an output port it can use to write to the client.

(define ((event-source ch) _req)
  (define receiver (make-multicast-receiver ch))
    #:headers (list (header #"Cache-Control" #"no-store")
                    (header #"Content-Type" #"text/event-stream")
                    ;; Don't use Connection in HTTP/2 or HTTP/3, but Racket's
                    ;; web-server is HTTP/1.1 as confirmed by
                    ;; `curl -vso /dev/null --http2 <addr>`.
                    (header #"Connection" #"keep-alive")
                    ;; Pairs with Connection; since our event source sends data
                    ;; every 5 seconds at minimum, this 10s timeout should be
                    ;; sufficient.
                    (header #"Keep-Alive" #"timeout=10"))
    (sse-output receiver)))

The main loop of the response handler is to wait on the channel to produce data: when it does, a separate function transforms that data into SSE format and shoves it through the port. If we don’t get a response in time, we send a comment to prevent connection timeout.

(define (see-output receiver)
  (λ (out)
    (let loop ()
        [(sync/timeout 5 receiver) => (event-stream out)]
        [else (displayln ":" out)])

That’s all there is to it! I’m hoping to find a way to extract the two pieces (client-side code and server-side implementation) into a library for other Racket applications to use to implement server-side events more easily. Ideally it will handle the basics of SSEs while remaining agnostic to how the application generates and handles events. We might be able to be concurrency-agnostic, though: while Racket’s sync is generic, most applications probably need a single-producer multi-consumer channel. Still, allowing any event that produces data a consumer can transform into SSE-data might work and allow other patterns.


  1. For performance reasons, some subscribers spawn a thread that sends the message. Since GUI Easy subscribers execute serially, moving expensive work out of the main loop quickly can help avoid bottlenecks. 


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