On this page:
2.1 Windows
2.2 Linux
2.3 mac  OS

2 Installing Frosthaven Manager🔗

You can grab the latest version of Frosthaven Manager at the release page. Download the release for your operating system (Windows, Linux, or macOS) and follow the instructions below.

If you get stuck, refer to Troubleshooting for help.

The following instructions use the terms "directory" and "folder" interchangeably. They are the same thing, and you can mentally substitute whichever is more comfortable for you.

2.1 Windows🔗

First, open the downloaded archive in the File Explorer. Double-click the archive to open it, which should uncompress the archive. You may wish to uncompress into a directory of your choosing by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate option.

Among the uncompressed files you will find the application "FrosthavenManager.exe" and "lib" folder needed by the program. Click the "FrosthavenManager.exe" to play.

2.2 Linux🔗

Extract the compressed archive via the usual method. For example, the following command-line should do:

gunzip -c /path/to/linux-FrosthavenManager.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Inside the uncompressed archive should be an executable program and supporting libraries. Run the program to play.

2.3 macOS🔗

First, open the downloaded archive in Finder. Double-click the archive to open it, which should uncompress files into a directory named "FrosthavenManager".

In the "FrosthavenManager" directory, you will find the application "FrosthavenManager.app", which you can drag to your "Applications" folder.

To open the Frosthaven Manager for the first time, you will need to right-click the app and select Open. After agreeing to trust the app by clicking Open again, you should see the application open. Next time, click on the app to launch it as normal!